Monday, June 7, 2010


Do you remember your dreams? Do you have the ability to change your dreams while your having them? My sister Hannah and me where talking today about dreams and what constitutes to much sleep or not enough sleep. I am a avid dreamer, always have been. I remember my dreams to the last detail and entertain my husbands on most mornings about what I've dream't the night before. There are some dreams where my dreams are so action packed that I awake exhausted as if I was physically doing all that I dreamed about.

Have you ever died in a dream? I have been shot, fallen off buildings, and not only does that not sound fun, I have these same dreams often enough to know what the end result will be at the end of the dream. I never try to change the dream, most of the time just the outcome. I'm getting pretty good at changing them, but with change comes various weird new situations that make the dream just as complex or dangerous as the initial dream that started it all.

Last nights dream I bought a fixer upper. It was a really neat house but after 2 weeks of dream time I was sick of cleaning it so I decided to bring in help to fix up the place. Well I guess that got boring because I shifted my dream to opening a restaurant in another building located on the property. So now I am not only cleaning and fixing up a old house, I'm running a restaurant with employees, schedules, food orders, and customers. I was so tired of this dream I decided enough was enough and woke up. Dreams are perplex, they are also a lot of fun for me. My dreams have carried me through some amazing adventures, I hope you enjoy this part of my blog, because if there is one thing I know about myself, I will be dreaming again tonight.

Happy dreams...

Why I call myself moonmother

It's really a simple explanation, I wasn't ordained a shaman or anything. I've not traveled to the moon, or joined a coven of witches. The reason I call myself moonmother is 1: I'm a mother, and 2: I follow the cycles of the moon closely. The moon and its tides and pulls have always had a strong impression or even sensation effecting my mind, body, and soul. Several moons I started training to become a doula. I needed to think of a cool name for my advertisements and went with moonmother, never knowing at the time that being a doula wasn't going to become a career for me or that the name would become my online identity.

Now let me back up, some may be asking what is a doula? A doula is a non-medical individual who assist women with natural births in or out of hospitals settings. Google it if you want, I'm moving on.

I guess I should take this time to introduce myself, other then my namesake, and let you enter world of an AZ summer housewife. "Housewife" isn't that the ultimate label. I've never been one for labels but this one I've never been able to escape. Why would I want to escape it, I mean shoot I'm a housewife, I'm a mother, really can't change that even if I wanted too. I can't take a pill for it and hopes it goes away. It's the one label that will always and be forever a defining aspect of who I am. Well now that we've established I'm a housewife there is a little more to who I am as a human being. I'm 31 and have lived a post gypsy life traveling across the various states as a military brat in both the Army and Air Force. I've lived in Texas, North Carolina, Texas again, New Mexico, Texas again, and then back to New Mexico, and finally found my resting place in Arizona. The land of the heat and various political standpoints I find myself constantly trying to wrap my head around. It is the last place I would of consider a home for myself and it is why today I am starting this blog to yet again survive another AZ summer. I'm going to stop there and save this introduction for tomorrow. I have a tendency to talk to much and computers are not exceptions. If I don't pace myself then there really would be no need for this blog, it would just be a very very long letter. Till tomorrow my blogging friends......

PS. The weather here today is 103 ...pretty mild so far just wait till its 115. What was the weather in your area?